Friday 29 November 2013

Production Roles - Miss Miller

Within all films the film creators will be allocated numerous specific jobs which will contribute towards making the final film. To create a thriller film certain individuals are allocated specific jobs which they are most suited to these jobs can either effect the on-screen image or can contribute towards the editing of the film. The main roles within creating a film are producers, directors, actors, cameraman (director of photography), music producers, screenplay writer, MES Coordinators, editors. Each of these roles are assigned to a specific person who is skilled in that role and can do the best possible individual job in order to create a successful film.

As a group we discussed which individual will be best suited for each specific role and we concluded that each of our group members will have a significant impact on the production of our opening thriller sequence. A few of the roles will be distributed to numerous members of the group such as screenplay writer and editors, we decided that the group would complete these tasks together as it allows for numerous different opinions which will result in a better film.

Earlier in our research process we decided that our actors would be Ellie Holt, as the victim, and Jack Noakes as the antagonist. We decided that Ellie would make a successful victim as she is a young, attractive and blonde. These traits mean our target audience can easily relate to her and form a relationship with her. Her being blonde is also significant as stereotypically within thriller films the blonde victim represents vulnerability to the audience which presents her in danger and entices the audience as the had previously formed a relationship with the character. We decided to use Jack as the antagonist as he is quite tall and therefore stereotypically more intimidating due to his superior stature. This was the main factor in allocating our antagonist as he would be wearing a mask and dressed in a specific manner therefore his appearance was not as significant as his overall size. Within these roles both Ellie and Jack acted out the actions in specific ways we asked to create a full narrative with a appropriate atmosphere.

We decided that the director and cameraman would both be Benjamin Yarwood. We thought that he was best suited for these roles as he had previously used video camera's and therefore had experience in film. This meant that he was able to successfully link each shot making a flowing film which follows the narrative. He was also able to successfully choose appropriate shots which created the desired effect for each frame. This role involved Benjamin filming everything acted out by the acts as well as numerous other shots which set the scene and created a specific event. Benjamin had to choose a appropriate angle and shot to film each shot and had to consider numerous things such as lighting. The fact that he had previously used the camera made the production process easier as her could quickly set it up and edit many settings to make it suit that particular scene.

I was assigned the roles of producer and screenplay writer. Within my group i was influential in creating a narrative which was conventional to the thriller genre and successfully evoke emotions within the audience. I was also producer, i was suitable for this role as i was able to ensure that we had the appropriate facilities to make our opening sequence. I also arranged the location which it would be filmed in, the location i chose i believe was successful as it created a mysterious eery atmosphere and immediately created suspense.

The majority of the editing roles such as the main editing and music producers was done by Michelle Wood and Wai-Lam, they was also mise-en-scene coordinators. They was both very good at editing and adding appropriate music because they had both previously used the software and therefore knew how to cut each frame to make a flowing scene which also adds to the intended atmosphere. They also successfully dictated the speed of each scene which influenced the narrative. This  role involved them using 'Final Cut Pro X' to edit each scene together to create a flowing narrative. It also involved them adding numerous effects to enhance this narrative. Similarly they had to add sound effects and music which would enhance what is being seen on screen and evoke further emotions. They also had to add conventional credits and a title within our opening sequence which would give recognition to all those involved in its production.

To conclude i believe that allocating each of our group members a specific role within the filming sequence will result in a better opening sequence as that group member will is the most talented in that particular field and therefore can produce the best possible outcome in comparison with other group members. It will also make the production process easier and more efficient as they will know exactly how to achieve what we have planned and they can achieve this to a superior standard and in a shorter space of time in comparison to other group members.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic recount of the various main roles involved when filming and have mentioned who has been allocated each role, with a brief explanation as to why. You need to include a summary to explain why you think allocating specific people these roles will help your group produce a better sequence.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Elaborate on the roles by explaining WHY you have allocated certain people each role (Jack?)
    2) Include a summary explaining how and why you think allocating people these different roles will make your sequence better and production easier and if anything could have been done differently
    3) Explain what each person has done in relation to their roles (have they done it well? has it made production easier?)
    4) Read through and double check spelling/grammar etc.
