Friday 6 December 2013

Risk Assessment - Miss Georgiou

Within my planning process i created a risk assessment to ensure that all the members of my group avoided accidents when filming our opening thriller sequence. This chart consisted of a description of numerous potentential hazrads and how we can prevent that particular risk. This was important within our filming process as it ensured that all our group members were safe when filming with potential dangers such as the knife. I believe this process was successfull as we avoided all accidents when filming, this was because we recognised what the potential hazards are then we under-went precautions to ensure we avoided these hazards.

Within our risk assessment the most obvious and dangerous risk was the one of the knife, this convention of the thriller genre would be used within our thriller to cause fear within the audience but was also a risk to the people creating the opening sequence. We planned to prevent this risk by not running with it as this would ensure that we wouldn't drop it, when filming we also used a knife cover when we wasn't using it this meant it couldn't cut anyone when being transported.

Description of hazard
Prevention of hazard
Trailing leads while filming
Use gaffer tape to secure leads
Running in a forest
Careful footing
Don’t run with the knife
Look where you’re going
Slipping over
Use suitable footwear

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what a risk assessment is. You have considered the purpose of what a risk assessment is, but further explanation of the hazards that you have included and how you are going to avoid them is needed, to demonstrate further planning techniques.
