Monday 4 November 2013

Individual Storyboard - Miss Miller

Within the planning process for my thriller opening thriller sequence i created a storyboard. This storyboard consisted of a recording of the camera shot, location, lighting, sound, editing and narrative description. Each of these elements would make up a complete scene, this gives me a clear understand on what i wish to create for each individual scene. Storyboards allow the film makers to understand what shot they will use to film each specific frame this makes the production process much easier as they know exactly what shot to use for each scene. I created my individual storyboard to help contribute and give ideas towards our final group storyboard as well as giving us a clear idea of what shots to use for each frame.

For my first frame i aim to use a tracking shot which follows a car along a dark nights road with low key lighting. I aim to use slow music and enigma sounds to create mystery. The editing for this scene would be a straight cut as it doesn't link with other frames. I plan for the scene to last roughly 10 seconds as the audience need a clear idea of where the film is set.

I will follow this frame with a second scene which will document the protagonist walking away from her car, in a dark neglected car park, and as she does so the car alarm goes off and she has a climps of a masked man with a knife in the reflection of the car mirror. To film this specific frame i aim to use a long shot as it can capture the villain as well as the victim in one shot which makes her look vulnerable. The lighting will be contrastingly bright to the dark outside but with dark parts for the villain to remain hidden and anonymous and create more mystery. The only sound which will feature will be the car alarm, the silence either side of this alarm will emphasise its effect which is to initially shock the audience then to create tension. This scene will require a long duration of 20 seconds as it is the introduction of characters therefore the audience will need time to make relationships with the characters so they can empathise with their emotions and situation.

For my third frame the narrative has progressed and the protagonist is evidently scared of the mysterious man and has run out of the car park and in to a nearby forest, the villain calmly follows her in a tormenting manor. The camera shot used will be point-of-view this, as well as the montage editing, will create a sense of panic within the audience. This sense of panic and chaos will also be reflected by sound which will be footsteps and heavy breathing. The dark, low-key lighting and forest setting also create panic because of the mysterious effect it creates. I took inspiration for this forest chase scene from the thriller 'The Strangers' which follows a similar protagonist as she is chased through a forest by a masked villain, although the context of the two chases is different i believe that the chase scene within 'The Strangers' created a lot of excitement within the audience and i wish to re-create this.


  1. You have explained what you have included in your storyboard and what you hope it will create; however, you have not identified the purpose of a storyboard.

    In order to improve your post you need to:
    1) Explain the purpose of storyboards within films and why you have created an individual one
    2) Explain where you have taken some of your ideas from in relation to other films analysed for previous posts
    3) Elaborate on how your think your storyboard will help your group when planning the group storyboard
    4) Identify any issues you have encountered and how you might resolve them
    5) Include a picture of your storyboard

  2. You have explained the purpose of a storyboard and given an overview of your own one for your sequence, explaining most of the elements you plan on using within some frames. You need to include pictures of your storyboard to show specifically what you are talking about.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Include pictures of your storyboard
    2) Identify any issues you came across and how you might resolve them
    3) Include a summary explaining how useful you have found this and what specifically you feel will help your group create a better sequence
    4) Check spelling/grammar etc.
