Thursday 28 November 2013

Inspirations - Miss Miller

Inspiration is defined as a stimulation to do creative work and within this project i took inspiration from numrous other films from the thriller genre to give myself a idea of what will create a successful opening sequence. During this project i have reasearched numerous different thriller films and how they use each individual micro-element to create a full scene and create the intended atmosphere, and i have taken inspiration from each of these elements to help create my opening scene.

Within my cinematography research i studied the thriller 'The Strangers' this film used numerous different camera shots to create various effects and within my thriller i aim to use cinematography to achieve a similar outcome. My research into the film 'The Strangers' revealed that a consistant use of long shots successfully establishes as well as making the protagonist appear vulnerable and small. The consistant use of long shots also emphasises the extreme close up of things which are significant to the narrative.

To futher my knowledge of mise-en-scene i studied The Omen. This research showed that the five mise-en-scene elements of setting and iconography, costume hair and make-up, facial expressions and body language and lighting have a significant effect on the narrative and the atmosphere of the scene. The Omen uses a happy setting of a fair ground with bright lighting this contrasts the actions within the scene whoch highlights the horror of the occurances. The costumes portray the focal characters as extremely wealthy this makes them appear to be living a happy life but in reality they are living a troubled life.

I also studied Saw 5 to further my knowledge of the conventional editing effects used within the thriller genre. This film was a good film to gain inspiration for editing as it frequently changes pace and the editing they use makes this contrast in pace less obvious. Within this Saw 5 clip the montage effect is frequently used when the victims head violently shakes to represent his distress and panic. Thrillers frequently use this effect as it successfully creates excitement and allows for the audience to empaphise with the charcters panic.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very brief and basic recount of the inspirations you have taken for some of the elements and how you have included them within your sequence; however you need to go into more detail and use PEER to analyse them more effectively.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Use PEER to analyse your points more effectively
    2) Include paragraphs on all the micro elements (sound, cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing, conventions) and one on characters
    3) Make sure you explain in detail what you have found inspirational in a clip and why (how was it effective etc.) before mentioning how and why you will incorportate this idea into your sequence
    4) Include a summary explaining how and why you have found taking inspirations from other films beneficial when creating your opening sequence
