Thursday 28 November 2013

Planning Opening Credits - Miss Georgiou

Credits play a important role within all genres as they give the audience a idea of who made the film, this could possibly give the audience a very slight idea of what will feature within the film if they are aware of the film-makers previous work. Credits also give them film-makers recognition for their contribution in creating the film. The listing of the actors which will feature entices the audience as they be a fan of that specific actor and able to relate to their appearance, this means that the audience will hope that this character doesn't get into any danger and stays safe.

The credits within the thriller film Se7en are written in a white font with a contrasting black background. This contrast between light and dark could also possibly represent the contrast between good and evil. This is often used within thrillers as it immediately gives the audience a slight idea of the narrative as it suggests that  there will be competition between a protagonist and antagonist. These credits also are shaking about violently and handwritten this immediately creates a eery feel of uncertainty as the names don't stay still. The scruffy handwritten font also creates a mysterious feel as the audience wonder who wrote it. As these credits are being played there are numerous different images in the background such as a man reading the bible, this particular image is peculiar as it is random but it does connote that the narrative will be linked with religion which suggests that the characters are helpless and vulnerable.

As we group we discussed what credits we plan to feature and we came to the conclusion that our credits will give recognition to all members of the group. This means that our credits will be shorter than stereotypical thriller credits as we will include less names because we have less people to give regonistion to in comparison to a large film production crew. Our credits will list the names of: Beau Abery, Benjamin Yarwood, Michelle Wood, Wailam Pang, Ellie Holt and Jack Noakes. These names will indivually listed in our first scene when the car is seen driving down a dark scary road, this is a suitbale scene for the opening scenes as there is slow paced which means the audience will be more focused on the credits.

The fonts and styles which feature within thriller films vary depending on the sub-genre of the thriller, the font and style of he title will also be similar to the fonts and styles this is because they are trying to build a certain atmosphere. For example this poster uses the same scruffy hand written font which appears to have been carved into something. The font used within this poster is also used within the opening credits this means there is a consistant eery atmosphere created. The title is red which rpresents danger and blood, it also contrasts the background which helps it stand out. The white font used for their names is white which also contrasts the black background which draws the audiences eyes to actors which could appeal to their target audience. The white font could also represtent innocence and purity of the characters they play, this use of colours could represent the contrast betwen good and evil.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why opening credits, are essential to include within a production. You have analysed the credits from Se7en well, but you need to relate your points back to the conventions of a thriller film in further detail and discuss the audience relationship, to demonstrate further understanding.

    Within this post, you also need to consider a second opening credit sequence to analyse and then you need to discuss what your credits will say and what they will look like. What fonts/styles are your selected to include and why? What colours and effects will you include and why?
