Saturday 2 November 2013

Preliminary Task - Miss Georgiou

This task consisted of me and my group creating a short clip which would feature two characters having a conversation. For this task me and my group filmed a character entering a room and participating in a basic conversation with another character, them leaving the room. To create this scene we had to use a variety of camera angles and successfully edited them together to make a complete scene.

Within our clip we used numerous different camera angles. For example we used a establishing/panning shot to follow the character as she entered the room this gave the audience a idea of the scene. We then used a common over-the-shoulder shot to document the couple of lines of dialogue, this angle is frequently used within thriller films during conversations as it shows the characters expressions as they converse. Then we was required to edited each shot together to create a smooth full scene. This part was difficult as when filming we hadn't taken many precautions to reduce outside noise and influences this resulted in many unsuitable noises and un-wanted characters in the clip. This meant we had to edit more than others to make the clip successful

I believe this task has given the group a clear idea of what it requires to create a good opening thriller clip. It also increased our knowledge of how to use the camera and editing software

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates a basic understanding of why you carried out the preliminary task and this is because you have not explored the purpose of the task in enough detail.

    You need to consider the strengths and weaknesses of this task and then discuss in further detail, how this task will assist you with planning and creating your thriller sequence. What will you do differently and why?

    Finally aim to include your preliminary task, within this post.
