Thursday 24 October 2013

Target Audience Research - Miss Miller

To understand what my target audience look for in a thriller film I created a questionaire which consisted of numerous questions such as "what characters do you like to see within a thriller film?". We targeted this questionaire towards a variety of people of different age and genders; this gave us a wide range of answers and a clearer understanding of what we wish to create to appeal to our a target audience. Within this questionaire we asked both open questions and closed questions. Open questions give the audience a chance to write whatever anser they want where as a close question gives the audience a group of set answers and they have to tick the appropriate answer. We chose closed questions for the majority of our questions as it meant that we could easily recod all the results. Our questions also didnt require open answers as the answers are usually one word and there is only a little amount of appropiate answers.

The first question i asked was "are you male or female?", i asked this question because it gave me a clearer idea of the gender i should be targeting with my opening thriller sequence. The results i recorded  for the question was surprising was men are stereotypically known for being the main gender who watches this specific genre.
I followed this question with my second question "how old are you?" the majority of people who answered this question fell under the age category of 15-20 this overwhelming majority was followed by 21-25 which was the answer for 25% of the 40 people i questioned. These results was what i expected as thriller films are usually targeted towards the younger audience as they look for excitement within a film. This means i will include fast paced music and scenes and shock when necessary.
The question "what would interest you in watching a thriller?" was the most important question in giving me a clear idea of what would be the most successful narrative within my opening sequence. The results to this questions was rather even, this means that i have to include a little bit of the majority of typical elements within a thriller.

To conclude i believe that m questionnaire results gave  me a clear understanding of how to appeal to my target audience. The questions i asked was vital as it had to result in answers which i could use to benefit my opening sequence and target towards the specific answer which had the majority of votes.

1 comment:

  1. You have explained briefly the purpose of your research and provided pie charts and brief analysis for some of your questions. You need to analyse all questions asked, including a paragraph on open questions, explaining what the purpose of them was and ana analysis of results.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Analyse all questions asked
    2) Provide a paragraph on open questions, explaining their purpose, providing an example of one and an analysis of results for that questions
    3) Include a copy of your questionnaire/voc pops
    4) Use PEER to analyse your results in more depth
    5) Provide an overall summary of your results, explaining how they have helped you in preparation for filming
    6) Read through and check spelling, grammar etc.
