Sunday 20 October 2013

Opening Scene Analysis - Miss Georgiou

How does the opening sequence of Halloween, inform the audience of the codes and conventions of a thriller film?

A opening sequence aims to give the audience a slight understanding of what the film will be about. Within the opening sequence film makers try to introduce characters, the genre, the setting and a slight insight into the narrative. Typically within Thriller films suspense is used within the opening sequence as it draws in the audience and prompts them to want to watch more.

Sound plays a pivotal role within the opening sequence of "Halloween". For example off-screen sound is significantly used when the clock can be heard ticking as the killer enters the house, this effect represents a countdown to the girls death, to the audience. Contrapuntal sound can also be heard within the opening sequence of Halloween when the protagonist can be heard humming and singing a joyful tune, this contrasts the brutal murder which she is about to become the victim of.

Editing is not used frequently within the famous thriller "Halloween", in comparison with other films as throughout the majority of the opening only one point of view shot is used. This results in a rather slow paced scene which makes the audience feel calm which leaves them confused as this emotions contrasts the murder which is being seen on screen. Despite this panning effect is used as the camera pans around the house this sets the scene for the audience and gives them a understanding of the relatable setting.

Stereotypical conventions are also used within the opening of "Halloween". For example the initial music used is fast paced, this gets the audience heart racing and makes them fearful as to whats about to occur. The characters used are also stereotypical as there is a blonde vulnerable victim and a masked killer. Despite this the killer is presented as a child which is unstereotypical. The convention of violence  also is a focal point within the opening scene as the protagonist gets brutally stabbed, this allows the audience to understand the genre and makes them fearful of what this violence will lead too.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic undersdtanding of how the opening sequence to Hallowween, informs the audience of the codes and conventions of a thriller film. You have made a start in analysing some of the micro elements, but further description and analysis, is needed, to demonstrate further understanding of the sequence.

    To develop this post, you need to-
    1) Include your analysis on the narrative, characters and cinematography
    2) Consider the relationship between the audience and the characters
    3) Include a summary, to explain how your analysis, will assist you with planning your own opening thriller sequence
