Monday 14 October 2013

Research Into Sound - Miss Miller

Within thriller films sounds plays a vital part in creating the effects desired. Numerous techniques are used which vary from on-screen effects to effects created off-screen. Each technique has different purposes and evokes a different reaction and emotion within the audience. I have to decided analyse the use of sound within a clip from the thriller box-office "Insidious", during this clip numerous different sound techniques are used to create a eery, scary atmosphere in a unusual circumstance.

The non diegetic sound of a whistled tune features from the start of the clip and continues throughout the majority of the extract. This effect creates a sense of suspense within the audience as its a eery, mysterious sound. It also makes the audience confused as the tune being whistled is stereotypically associated with children and happiness yet this stereotype contradicts whats occurring on screen as it is set in a scary setting with a creepy atmosphere. This technique may also be known as contrapuntal sound and can only be produced off-screen and added in during the production stage, film makers use different types of music to suit the scene and evoke different emotions within the audience.

At 1:18 off screen sound is used, this effect is when you can hear the sound but cannot see the source, yet it still makes sense to the film dynamic. The shotgun noises are a example of this as we can hear the loading of the gun and shooting but we cannot see the source of it yet we understand how it may be suitable within this particular scene. This creates mystery within the audience and makes the audience uneasy as you associate a shotgun noise with danger and you cannot see the source of it therefore the audience question the characters safety and empathise with their fear.

Diegetic sound features at the very start of the clip when the focal characters foot steps can be heard. Footsteps are categorised as diegetic sound as diegetic sound is defined as music or sound that belongs within a frame can be considered to be a natural part of the narrative. This sound of footsteps is mirrored by his loud breathing and could possibly also represent his heartbeat, this mirroring portrays panic felt by the character and therefore evokes panic within the audience as they can easily and successfully understand the panic felt by the audience and therefore feel empaphy towards them.

1 comment:

  1. You have shown a basic understanding of the sound techniques used and expained briefly what they may create for the audience.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Check you have used the correct terminology (contrapuntal sound - contradicts what you are seeing)
    2) Elaborate on points made and explain what the purpose of each sound technique is and what this creates for the audience
    3) Read through and check spelling, grammar etc
    4) Re-attach URL link
