Thursday 3 October 2013

Research into the BBFC age rating - Miss Georgiou

This age certificate stands for Universal, it is suitable for all ages above 4 years old because the language used is very mild and age appropriate. There is also no sexual scenes or references, although characters may be seen kissing or cuddling occasionally. There is also a limited use of violence but fight scenes may briefly feature; these fight scenes may see scenes in which the character is placed in danger but this dilemma is quickly resolved and the outcome is positive and reassuring to the audience. For example within the famous U-rated Disney animation Finiding Nemo there is no sexual refernces throughout the film, there is also no use of violence at all and despite the focal character being placed under distress all is resolved in the end.
PG stands for parental guidance which means the film is suitable for general viewing but any young children should be accompanied by a adult when watching the film. PG's are usually aimed towards  minimum age of 8 upwards but PG's are commonly watched by anybody of any-age. Mild bad language will rarely feature but when it does it isn't used aggressively and has to be in context. The violence used has very little detail. For example if blood is seen the origin of that blood is unknown. Violence is also lacking in detail but does sometimes feature, this violence is only very mild and only features within a appropriate context. Kung Fu Panda is a example of a PG film and i believe is appropriatly rated because violence is one of the focal themes yet it is not graphic and there is no use of blood or realistic weapons. There is also no sexual language and only mild use of language which is not used in a aggressive manner.
This certificate symbolises that the film is suitable by people of the age of 12 and over. This category allows for infrequent use of strong language. Despite this no discriminating language is tolerated at all. Violence is more common than the previous catagories but still doesn't focus on details, although a brief gory scene may be permitted if in context, this allows for a increase in action. Weapons although common have to be in context and not glamorised. All three of the Spiderman films are rated a 12 as violence is more graphic than previous certificates but gory violence is only used in context such as the stabbing scene at the end of Spiderman 2. The majority of the weapons used within the saga are also not realistic but the ones which are are not glamorised and are only used to impact the narrative and action. There is also still little reference to sex within the films although passionate kissing is used within all three films.
15 rated films are deemed appropriate for people of the age of 15 and over. These films are much more lenient on the content featured but still have minimal rules. For example there is very relaxed rules on the language featured, all swear words are frequently allowed but continued aggressive use of discriminative terms will cause the film to be rated 18. Despite strong violence being allowed extremely gory scenes are not allowed much like the 12 & 12A ratings. Unlike all the previous certificates drug taking is allowed to be seen but should not be promoted. Thriller films are usually within this certificate due to there ppossible gory scenes and distressing nature for example the thriller film The Purge falls under this catagory as strong violence is used throughout with consistent use of weapons to comit cold-blooded murder. Swearing alsio features throughout but there is no use of discriminative terms. Despite this there is no use of sexual references in the film and in the end all is resolved.
Films rated with a 18 certificate are targeted towards adults only. They have little to no rules on any of the features. A prime example of this is the language used; any language can be used as aggressively and as often as required. There is also frequent sexual activity and scenes. All violence in any amount of detail is acceptable within this certificate including horror and weapons. This certificate is extremely relaxed and has next-to-none rules and regulations. The majority of the Saw films are rated 18 as the violence which features is extremely gory and grapic, there is also frequent use of swearing and a few sexual refernces. The extreme gore used to portray these deaths mean that Saw is unsuitable for all previous certificates.

Following this research i concluded that my opening thriller sequence should have a '12' certificate as the violence used is mild and not gory. The lack of dialogue within my opening sequence also means that there is no sexual refernces or swearing at all. Despite this i do not feel that my opening sequence is appropraite for the ratings 'U' or 'PG' because of the distressing nature of the opening sequence and the constant use of the iconography of aa knife.


  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of how film certificates are used in the film industry. You have identified the correct certificates, but you have not:
    1) Referenced your research
    2) Not related the certificates to any films to show your understanding. Aim to identify one film for each certificate and include examples of characters, plots, themes, etc to show your knowledge of how age certificates are used in the film industry.

    Finally, you need to explain what age certificate you will target you film to and why?

  2. You have made a start in describing how your film follows a 12 age certificate and you have also made a start in describing how your narrative follows the certificate, but further discussion and explanation is needed, to demonstrate further understanding.
