Tuesday 8 October 2013

Research Into Conventions of the Thriller Genre - Miss Miller

The conventions of thriller film are what makes this genre so unique and different from many other genres such as comedy and romantic. Thriller films are famous for creating suspense, shock and suprise within the audience and use numerous conventions to evoke these emotions within the audience. This clip from the film 'Conjuring' successfully shows a couple of these conventions in a short extract.

A reaction shot is used when the girl jumps off the top of the wardrobe, during this scene loud music is played and the camera suddenly jumps to her face. This effect is a prime example of the shock element used within thriller films as the sudden movements of the scary character combined with the loud music shocks the audience because of the suspense before it. This effect also involves the audience as they are feeling the same emotions as the victims within the films.

Handheld camera shot is used when the girl looks up to the wardrobe. This makes the protagonist appear scary because the audience are placed in her position therefore empaphise with her emotions. The shooting of the shot from a low angle makes her also appear vunerable. This technique is frequently used within thrillers as a effeect to make the characters vulnerable. The use of a hanheld camera shot evokes parrallel emotions between the charcters and audience.

Low key lighting is also used in thee girls room within this clip, this creates a sense of mystery as the audience cant see the full setting making them uneasy. This fear is made appropriate as a evil girl is hiding in the dark. This effect is frequently used within thriller films as darkness is usually associated with fear as it hides scary characters and the audience are fearful of the unknown due to the scary setting, emotions etc.

1 comment:

  1. You have shown a basic understanding of the conventions analysed and explained their purpose briefly.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Explain how a relationship is built between the audience and the characters
    2) Expand on your points in more depth
    3) Include screen shots and the URL link
    4) Analyse one more convention
    5) Include a summary of your research
