Monday 30 September 2013

Editing Effects - Miss Georgiou

Saw V - The Cube

Within the thriller genre editing plays a extremely important role in creating a specific atmosphere and helping the narrative flow in a suitable manner. Editing within a film is the joining of two different shots, the way they do effects how effects the pace of the scene as well as affecting the atmosphere within the film. There are many different techniques used when editing and each of these achieves a specific effect.

Within this clip, which see's the victim struggling to escape from cube filling with water, the montage effect is frequently used. For example as he's attempting to escape his head violently shakes, this is a montage effect as shots are quickly juxtaposed together. This is a example of fast paced editing which creates excitement as this pace gets the audience' heart racing. This effect is frequently used within thriller films as it is very successful in creating excitement therefore film-makers usually use this effect in adrenalin rushing scenes. 

In this clip the wipe effect is used when the screen wipes from behind a wall to reveal the man trapped in the cube. This technique creates a little bit of suspense and excited as in the short space of time in which the character has not fully been revealed the audience are excited to see the full identity of him and his difficult situation. This effect is frequently used within thrillers to keep the identity temporarily unknown and also keeps the scene slow paced.

This picture is an example of the timing of shots effect which is used within the clip. Timing of shots is used as the shot slows down as the water is entering the cube. The effect of this is that it creates suspense as it slows down the scene making the heart rate of the audience slow down before being shocked. This effect is used within thriller films as it sets the audience in a state of mind ready to be shocked. This is often reffered to as 'suspense' in the 3 'S' of 'shock, suspense and suprise'

To conclude within this Saw V clip numerous unique editing techniques are used to initially create a slow paced suspense building scene before using contasting editing techniques such as the montage effect to create excitement within the audience. Within my thriller i plan to use similar techniques which will have a similar impact on the audience for example i will use slow paced editing to create suspense before using contrasting fast pace effects such as montage effect which will get the audience heart racing.


  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of how editing styles are used within thriller films. You have identified the correct terminology and examples and the screenshots that you have included, helps to support the points that you have made.

    However, you need to expand on the conventions element of this and discuss the purpose of using editing within a thriller in more detail.

    You also need to include an introduction and a summary to explain how your research will assist you with planning your own thriller

  2. You have made a start in expanding on the points that you have included, but you need to consider the conventions of a thriller in more detail still, by focusing on the effect it has on an audience.
