Monday 23 September 2013

Individual Ideas For A Narrative - Miss Georgiou

For my opening clip to a thriller i have been inspired by the use of setting in The Strangers. The Strangers is set in a isolated house in the middle of a dark forest. I believe this is a successful location to set a thriller because they are far away from others making them isolated and vulnerable. This makes the audience believe that something is going to happen to the characters therefore creating suspense as they are foreshadowing the characters future. This particular setting is conventional to thriller films because it is isolated making the characters vulnerable increasing the fear felt within the audience.

For my opening thriller scene I aim to create a scene where a young vunerble girl is wondering around a forest on her own. This young girl is being followed by a mysterious masked character who is continuosly tormenting her.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in describing one of the film inspirations that you have had from watching and analysing thriller films. However, the points that you have included on your narrative, does not show enough understanding of what your opening sequence will contain.

    This can be achieved, by considering your opening sequence and your plot, characters, narrative, themes, micro elements in further detail
